LUMC Church and Preschool phones are currently down. To contact the church, e-mail [email protected]. To contact the preschool, e-mail [email protected].
“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:8
As Christians, we recognize that everything we have comes from God, so we give back to God through our tithes and offerings. Giving to the General Operating Fund supports the mission work and ministries of Lenexa United Methodist Church in many ways, including children, youth, and adult ministries, other program expenses, staff salaries, facility expenses, and our connection to the global United Methodist Church.
We have several ways to donate, so making your offering is easy!
Set up a recurring or one-time gift and designate any fund you like. You can give using electronic check, debit or credit cards.
Register with Shelby to save your information and make giving even easier next time!
Download the ShelbyNext Giving App on your smartphone and search for Lenexa United Methodist Church.
Text the amount you would like to give to (913) 444-5960. Enter your credit/debit information. In the future, simply enter the amount, and it will be applied to the General Operating Fund.
Easily raise funds for LUMC at no cost to you—just by doing your online shopping!
UMCMarket (powered by iGive): Donate while you shop at hundreds of your favorite retailers. The church will receive a percentage of the amount you spend, plus you’ll receive exclusive offers and instant savings. Donations vary by retailer, but can be as high as 4 or 5% of your purchase. It’s easy and a win-win!
When you sign up, your registration automatically supports LUMC.
Installing the iGive button guarantees you’ll never miss a chance to make a donation when shopping at a participating merchant.
There are several options for giving your tithes and offerings to the church. You can support the General Operating Fund, kitchen remodel loan, special offerings, and any of the many causes we give to in any of these ways:
• Place your gift in the offering plate on Sunday morning.
• Mail a check to 9138 Caenen Lake Road, Lenexa, KS 66215. Designate the desired fund(s) in the memo line.
• Use your bank’s Online Bill Pay to have your bank mail a check to the church.
© 2022 Lenexa United Methodist Church