LUMC Church and Preschool phones are currently down. To contact the church, e-mail [email protected]. To contact the preschool, e-mail [email protected].
Active LUMC members have access to the Shelby Online Directory with current contact information for other church members. If you need access, contact Linda Stokes in the church office (913-888-5600 or [email protected]).
Click on the button above to go to the online directory, or bookmark on your computer for easy access.
It’s important to note that the information is password protected and only available to those who have been sent log-in credentials. If you don’t want your contact information in the directory, contact Linda to have it unlisted. If you have changes to make to your own profile, you can make the changes and they will be sent to the office for approval before they go live. That way we can make any other changes needed.
You can also download the ShelbyNEXT | Membership app to your phone from the Google Play or App Store. Enter Domain name: lenexa. Then log in with your log-in credentials.